{"id":224404,"date":"2023-11-16T14:48:49","date_gmt":"2023-11-16T14:48:49","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/allworldreport.com\/?p=224404"},"modified":"2023-11-16T14:48:49","modified_gmt":"2023-11-16T14:48:49","slug":"the-9-reasons-you-cant-stop-burping-and-when-its-vital-you-see-your-doctor-the-sun","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/allworldreport.com\/lifestyle\/the-9-reasons-you-cant-stop-burping-and-when-its-vital-you-see-your-doctor-the-sun\/","title":{"rendered":"The 9 reasons you can\u2019t stop burping – and when it's vital you see your doctor | The Sun"},"content":{"rendered":"
WHETHER it's a subtle little 'ribbit' or a full on belch, we all have burps escape our mouths from time to time. <\/p>\n
It's a way for gas to be released from your digestive system – burps basically happen when air from your stomach travels back up your oesophagus to your mouth. <\/p>\n
It's quite normal to let out burps up to 30 times as day, according to research published in 2020. <\/p>\n
But belching can become bothersome if it happens more than that. According to Health, it's considered excessive if it: <\/p>\n
There are few reasons this could be happening – some as simple as eating too fast or chewing gum. <\/p>\n
But in some cases, your frequent burping could be a sign of something more serious, like irritable bowel syndrome or even stomach cancer. <\/p>\n Here are nine reasons you're plagued by belching. <\/p>\n Also known as heartburn, acid reflux is caused by your stomach acid travelling up towards your throat and causing a burning feeling.<\/p>\n You might also notice an unpleasantly sour taste in your mouth, accoridng to NHS guidance, and people suffering from the condition can also experience frequent burping. <\/p>\n <\/span><\/p>\n <\/span><\/p>\n <\/span><\/p>\n <\/span><\/p>\n The NHS suggested speaking to your pharmacist, who might recommend medicines like antacids or alginates that can help ease your symptoms. <\/p>\n But you should speak to a GP if you have heartburn most days for three weeks or more. <\/p>\n Fizzy pop, beers and other bubbly drinks are all filled with gas and they can increase the amount of air in your stomach, according to the American College of Gastroenterology. <\/p>\n Unsurprisingly, the air in them can cause you to burp when it creeps back up your throat. <\/p>\n If you guzzle fizzy drinks and find yourself burping loads, it might be a sign to cut down on them. <\/p>\n Some foods, like cruciferous vegetables, can produce more gas when you're digesting them, making you burp more than usual. <\/p>\n According to Health, they include: <\/p>\n This might sound silly, but some people do just swallow too much air. <\/p>\n It's called aerophagia – which means 'eating air' – and can happen eating food quickly, gulping down drinks, chewing gum, smoking and wearing loose dentures, according to Hopkins Medicine. <\/p>\n Gastritis is a condition when your stomach lining gets red and swollen. <\/p>\n It can cause all sorts of uncomfortable symptoms, including burping and farting, the NHS said. You might also experience: <\/p>\n You should see your GP is you have tummy pain or indigestion for longer than a week or if your tummy pain is getting worse or keeps returning. <\/p>\n On the subject of tummy troubles, IBS might also be the cause of your belching.<\/p>\n It causes symptoms like stomach cramps, bloating, diarrhoea and constipation that tend to come and go and can last for days, weeks or months at a time.<\/p>\n The best way to manage this lifelong condition is through diet changes and medicines – speak to a GP if you're experiencing symptoms of IBS. <\/p>\n We've all let out a few burps after indulging in a particularly large feast. <\/p>\n Eating too large meals is another activity that can add tot he gas in your digestive tract.<\/p>\n Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) is thought to affect up to one in seven of us, yet it often gets confused with IBS, according to Patient.info. <\/p>\n It's caused by an overgrowth of bacteria in the small intestine.<\/p>\n Excess gas is produced when this bacteria break down food that can cause burping and farting, stomach pain, diarrhoea and nausea. <\/p>\n SIBO can also cause food intolerances to dairy, eggs, wheat, gluten, corn, and soy. <\/p>\n It can also affect the skin, with studies showing that people with acne are 10 times more likely to have SIBO, while people with rosacea are also likely to suffer from bacterial overgrowth.<\/p>\n See a GP if you're experiencing SIBO symptoms. <\/p>\n In rare cases, your excessive burping could be caused by stomach cancer. <\/p>\n Symptoms can be hard to spot, but the NHS says they might affect your digestive system, causing things like: <\/p>\n Other symptoms might include:<\/p>\n These symptoms are very similar to ones caused by other gastrointestinal conditions, and having them doesn't necessarily mean you have cancer. <\/p>\n But it's important to be checked by a GP if gastrointestinal symptoms that you're used to change, get worse, or do not feel normal for you.<\/p>\n If your symptoms are caused by cancer, finding them early makes the disease easier to treat. <\/p>\n<\/picture>WARNING SIGN <\/span><\/p>\n
I'm a nurse – I discovered I had cancer after I couldn't stop burping<\/h3>\n
<\/picture>GASSED <\/span><\/p>\n
I couldn't burp so had to fart all the time before Botox changed my life<\/h3>\n
1. You have acid reflux<\/h2>\n
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2. You're guzzling fizzy drinks <\/h2>\n
3. You're eating gas producing veggies <\/h2>\n
4. You're swallowing too much air <\/h2>\n
5. You have gastritis <\/h2>\n
6. You have irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) <\/h2>\n
7. Your meals are too large <\/h2>\n
8. You have too much bacteria in your small intestine <\/h2>\n
9. You have stomach cancer <\/h2>\n
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