{"id":224483,"date":"2023-11-20T13:39:07","date_gmt":"2023-11-20T13:39:07","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/allworldreport.com\/?p=224483"},"modified":"2023-11-20T13:39:07","modified_gmt":"2023-11-20T13:39:07","slug":"exact-areas-in-uk-bracing-for-snow-as-arctic-blast-brings-wintry-conditions","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/allworldreport.com\/world-news\/exact-areas-in-uk-bracing-for-snow-as-arctic-blast-brings-wintry-conditions\/","title":{"rendered":"Exact areas in UK bracing for snow as Arctic blast brings wintry conditions"},"content":{"rendered":"

Met Office afternoon weather forecast for November 18<\/h3>\n

A meteorologist has detailed the risk of the UK being hit with its first significant snowfall which is set to arrive in Britain by this weekend.<\/p>\n

Senior meteorologist at British Weather Services Jim Dale said that \u201cmodified polar air\u201d is expected to beat \u201ctemperate air\u201d to Britain, bringing with it flurries of snow.<\/p>\n

However, some parts of the country are more likely to see snow on the ground than others. He added that frost will be more widespread in some areas than others.<\/p>\n

Meteorologist Jim Dale told Express.co.uk: \u201cWhat we\u2019re doing here is we\u2019re exchanging temperate air for polar air.<\/p>\n

\u201c[There will be a] fair amount of wind chill in Scotland and the eastern counties of England, but it\u2019ll be felt everywhere and as we unwind that [from] Saturday into Sunday [there\u2019ll be] increasing amounts of frost, widespread, away from the coasts.\u201d<\/p>\n

READ MORE <\/strong> Exact date Britain set to be blanketed in snow as freezing temperatures bite<\/strong><\/p>\n

Unsurprisingly, towns and villages in the Highlands and Grampians will see \u201c95 percent of what will fall\u201d, he added.<\/p>\n

Meanwhile the remaining \u201cscrabbly bits and pieces\u201d will land in the villages around the Cleveland Hills, Northern Pennies, [and the] North York Moors, potentially\u201d.<\/p>\n

He added: \u201cThere will be some toing and froing between the temperate and the polar air for the rest of this month and into the early part of December.\u201d<\/p>\n

The Met Office also confirmed that snow was on the horizon, saying that the UK had a \u201c70 percent\u201d chance of a flurry this week.<\/p>\n

Weather maps show a cold blast pushing in from the east on Friday – with much of the UK plunged into a colder period by midday on Saturday, which is when the affected areas are set to see their first snowfall.<\/p>\n


The official experts added that there was a \u201ccold front moving south\u201d and that there would certainly be \u201cwintery showers\u201d in the Scottish Highlands.<\/p>\n

However the Met Office issued a degree of caution, noting that we are \u201cstill a long way out\u201d from the predicted snowfall date and as such the accuracy of its prediction is not as high as it will be later this week.<\/p>\n

In its long-range forecast, updated daily, the forecaster detailed the north-south split the nation would see – with the southern regions experiencing more in the way of dry and bright weather.<\/p>\n

From November 24 to December 3, it says: “The early part of this period is likely to see a north-south split in weather conditions, with southern parts of the UK drier than of late, while northern areas, particularly western Scotland, see more in the way of cloud, rain and wind.<\/p>\n
