Prince Louis ‘gets away with murder’ as mum Kate Middleton juggles demands

Prince Louis has cemented his position as the cheekiest young royal with his funny antics over the years, and, as he heads off on his half term holidays this week, how will he spend his time?

While there will surely be adventures galore, something that is certain is that this break from school will be different from previous ones as the family are starting to have to juggle the three children's different needs.

With his school exams looming, Prince George may have to take centre stage in his parent's eyes as he continues his revision, but how will Charlotte and Louis fare?

“William and Kate have three children with very different demands. We know poor George has been feeling rather under the cosh lately because school life seems to be all about being tested,” former BBC royal correspondent Jennie Bond tells OK!

“So this half-term holiday may not be quite like his previous holidays and could involve a certain amount of revision. That will be doubly hard with his sister and little brother having all the fun, but I’m sure William and Kate will find a healthy balance that will allow George to join in most of the time.

“George will be their priority right now because of his exams and his future schooling to consider. Charlotte is relatively carefree but, as the only girl, she’ll no doubt command special attention. Louis is the little kid on the block – probably getting away with murder while their parents are too busy with the others to chastise him!

"I’m sure William and Kate are at full stretch keeping their three youngsters entertained and happy during the holidays. But I am also sure that family life is a top priority – it’s the thing that fulfils them more than anything else.”

Kate and William’s increasingly busy work schedules could well be curbing the usual holiday fun of baking, trips to the beach in Norfolk near their Anmer Hall home and bike rides.

Jennie points out, “They really do have a lot on their plate at the moment with their royal duties so I think it’s getting quite tough for them to take time off work for the entire school holidays. They’ll continue to do their best to ring-fence school breaks, but they’ll probably have to accept that some interruptions are inevitable.

“However, I’m sure they’ll do their utmost to make sure at least one of them is home in the holidays as much as possible. We should applaud their efforts to be hands-on parents. They are modern parents who clearly believe that their first priority is their children and to my mind they’re absolutely right.

“William and Catherine undoubtedly have the same battles so many parents endure, about screen time and sibling squabbles. But the children seem to generally get along pretty well, with sporty Charlotte singing and dancing, and being quite cheeky, and Louis a bundle of mischief, probably getting away with a heck of a lot more because he’s the youngest."

In the moments where their big brother is taking a well-earned break from his revision, what might the young royals get up to? It recently emerged that Charlotte loves to sing, which Kate confessed makes her “very happy”.

Meanwhile, just like his grandfather and father before him, it’s been revealed that Louis has an electric car which he drives around Windsor Castle. As for whether a trip abroad is on the cards, Jennie expects “they’ll base themselves at Anmer Hall and enjoy the freedom of the Norfolk countryside and beaches.”

She adds that “those awkward teenage years are still a little way away, so I expect they’ll relish their time together with lots of outdoor activities, barbecues, sports and just being a happy, boisterous family.”

Both the Prince and Princess of Wales have hinted about how energetic their youngest son can be many times before, whether that is when Prince William spoke about Louis's love of the great outdoors or when Kate revealed that she is quite nervous about him playing sports in the future as he likes to "be in the middle of everything."

One of the best came from Prince William during his appearance on the BBC ahead of his Earthshot Prize ceremony last year. He spoke about his three children and how he is passing his environmental awareness down to them.

The Prince said: "I think George has a definite sense of realisation and understanding so education is really key. So, for instance, knowing not to overuse water, being careful with our resources, turning off light switches, things like that, which was instilled in me growing up.

"Charlotte is just a bit young, she's still not quite sure and actually Louis just enjoys playing outside the whole time – he lives outside. But I think it is slowly dawning on them that these things matter but when you are that young, you just want to have fun and enjoy it."

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