I'm Britain's most tattooed mum and I'm banned from Halloween parties

I’m Britain’s most tattooed mum and I’m banned from Halloween parties – people say I’m too scary even without a costume

  • Melissa Sloan, 46, from Powys, Wales has been shunned from her community 
  • READ MORE: I can’t get a job because of my 800 tattoos – but it won’t stop me trying to have my eighth baby 

With Halloween just around the corner, many of us are gearing up to attend scary parties this weekend – but one unlucky woman has been banned from them because of her unique body art. 

Melissa, 46, from Powys, Wales said that she’s never invited to any spooky themed parties to celebrate the autumnal holiday due to the 800 inkings spread over her body. 

But this is not the first jouyous occasion the mother-of-seven claims she has been barred from. First she was banned from her child’s nativity play, and she doesn’t get to go to Christmas parties either.

She told the Daily Star: ‘People say I don’t need a costume because I’m scary enough.

‘I just take no notice of them as there’s nothing I can do, nothing I can do. I just carry on with the tattoos, more tattoos’.

Melissa, who has seven children said since adorning her face with 800 tattoos she has not been invited to any spooky themed parties to celebrate the autumnal holiday

She claimed that would love an invite to be extended to her one day and joked that she could buy a Freddy Krueger mask to cover up her ‘scary’ face so as to not offend people.

Another ideas she feels would improve her chances of being welcomed into a Halloween party is to dress up as the protaganist from 1974 cannibalism movie The Texas Chain Saw Massacre.

And Melissa hasn’t just been banned from social occasions – she’s not quite yet managed to secure a driving instructor either. 

One man almost gave her a chance but she scared him off after their first lesson. The tattooed mother admitted that her looks are capable of startling strangers at first glance, but insisted that once you get to know her this improves.

Too add to her woes, Melissa has been unemployed for 20 years – as a result of her extreme ink.

And it’s easy to see why employers aren’t too keen – she even has an inking of the infamous Kray twins who terrorised the East End of London.

However, the tattoo fanatic has ambitious dreams – to prove people wrong and become a solicitor.

But while she can’t find a job, she is keen to try for an eighth child with her partner Luke to complete her already huge family

In the meantime, she is keen to try for an eighth child with her partner Luke to complete her already huge family. 

She admitted, that prior to deciding to get pregnant again, she didn’t have sex for three years.

However, it’s now back on the agenda because her children kept pestering her for another sibling.

A pregnancy at 46 would involve health risks, but Melissa is optimistic that she wont’ experience complications.

Melissa, who got her first tattoo in her 20s, acknowledged that her newborn won’t ever see her real face, which is fully tattooed.

She spoke about the motivation behind her extensive body art, and it’s more harrowing than expected. The tattoos are her way of covering the ’emotional scars’ of horrendous sexual abuse by her paedophile brother.

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